Loving Someone's Girlfriend
so here is my story,
dulu. aku pernah sayang orang yang dah ada bf. i met her around past few years. we contacted thru bbm every single day. on the phone every single night. we confessed our feelings. and thank god our feelings were mutual. and after few months being together, i figured it out that she actually has a boyfriend. i mean, dia pun satu. dia tak pernah cakap dia ada bf. and i believed what she told me. after few months being together, baru dia bagitahu dia sebenarnya dah ada bf. and i cried every night thinking why i am such a fool.
and weird part is, aku tak marah. sebab i really love her. having her by my side is enough. dia keluar dengan bf, aku tak text. bila dia bosan baru dia cari aku, call aku, text aku. it hurts so much. i cried so much. sakit bila nampak gambar dia dengan bf dia. at the same time, aku rasa aku memang tak boleh bersama dia. bila aku stalk dia, aku yang sakit. aku rasa macam orang paling bodoh dalam dunia.
so i choose to ignore her for few months. because i wanted to move on. and she contacted me back on first day raya. asking me for a forgiveness and stuff. aku pun maafkan dia. yang lepas biarkan lepaskan.
so kami jadi kawan. yes kawan. tapi dia still macam dulu. can't stop calling me sayang and stuff. it kills me every single time she did that. i will ended up crying so hard because i miss her. and it breaks my heart because right now we are just friends. and she still want me back. not as a friend. but as a lover.
tell me how can i move on when she always called me sayang? wanting me back as her lover?
but when i asked her to choose me over her boyfriend. she didn't want to. it's ridiculous.
when i am trying to leave and forget everything we have. she convinced me that she will leave him. but no. she didn't leave him. i know that she loves me and her boyfriend equally. she said that. i don't know. but i really love her to death and i was afraid to lose her but i choose to forget her and just move on.
when i am actually on my away to forget her, she texted me, she called me. telling me that she missed me so much. i didn't react. because god knows how much i am hurting that time. i am in love with someone' gf. she has boyfriend. and why the fuck i am doing with her? why i am such a fool? love makes me stupid.
i asked her to appreciate her boyfriend. go back to her boyfriend. but she didn't want to. i asked her to choose me over her boyfriend. but still, she didn't want to. it hurts. because i have future plans with her. but now she broke my heart into pieces because she didn't know how to make bold decisions in life.
we love each other so much. i am happy when i am with her. she is happy when she is with me. but still she is deeply in love with her boyfriend. and afraid to to figure out what is best for her. she didn't want to choose.
and yes i choose to rid of my feelings for her.
it's crazy to love two person at the same time. it's a crazy thing to do.
i learnt that happiness never lasts. i gotta let her go. at some point, i have to.
i should respect the other dude and keep my distance.
you can't help who you love, just don't make her cheat on her boyfriend.
there is a saying, "all is fair in love and war".
if you can keep her with you is another story.
if she can leave him for you, she can just as likely leave you for someone else.
so, is it ever okay to fall in love with someone else's gf/bf?
yes, it is ok. It happens to the best of people. feelings aren't really under our control. they are not right or wrong, they just are. what we do have control over is our reaction to our feelings. some reactions are healthy (i.e. keeping appropriate boundaries between yourself and a girl who has a boyfriend or a boy who has a girlfriend) and some reactions are unhealthy. you seem to already know how to excersise good judgement in this situation.
i have no idea if that girlfriend/boyfriend relationship is serious or not. you have a better understanding of that than I do. one thing is for sure, a boyfriend is not the same as a husband. they haven't taken vows. there is always a chance things could be quite different in the future. i wouldn't intrude into their space though, as long as they are still a couple.
but still stealing a person's gf/bf of course is a bad thing. why don't you put yourself in the situation before doing anything. would you like it if someone come between you and your gf/bf? i don't think so. i know sometimes you will fall for a girl/guy who already have a bf/bf but it doesn't mean you should steal someone else bf/gf.
i think it's bad to steal another guy's gf. If the girl likes you more than the other guy, then she needs to break up with her current bf first. if she went out with you before she broke up with the other guy, she is cheating on that guy. and what makes you think she won't cheat on you? ask yourself.
and yes ways to forget someone's gf/bf. (if you wanted to)
accept the reality of it, dia mungkin bukan untuk kau. kau mungkin bukan untuk dia. you tried your best. moving forward, ignore that person, forget that person (even it's hard like hell) & move on. don't listen to sad songs, tak payah dengar lagu sedih for the time being. you will miss that person even more. go out and have fun with your family and friends. of course. make yourself busy. don't cry over someone who doesn't love you or like you. easy. stop stalking, tak payah stalk dia lagi. or else you will get hurt. if you think about that person - think about another person! don't call or text.
go listen to music, hangout with your friends, have a good time, stop dwelling on your past, there are billions of people n in the world, one tiny fish in the sea is not going to make your life worse, you have to be confident in your self and realize that you have the guts to move on. wasting your time with that person is going to make your life worse, realize that that person is nothing anymore, find a new best friend, never regret yourself that you loved that person, don't think that you're failure in love & be happy.
and yes, at the end of the day, it's her/his choice who she/he wants to be with. she/he will breakup with his/her bf if she/he feels that she/he will be happier with you. don't lose hope. give it a shot, if you fail, then leave.
At last, dia pujuk. Dia cakap dia sayang saya dan sayang gf dia dalam masa yang sama. Betul cakap awak. Ridiculous betullah kalau boleh sayang dua orang equally. Dalam masa yang sama. Stupid sangat. Tapi, saya tak boleh elak rasa happy sebab dia tak tipu yang dia sayang saya. Dia tak pernah ambil kesempatan dengan saya. So, walaupun tau dia masih ada gf? Dan gf dia tak tau apa yang sedang berlaku? Saya masih rasa gembira dengan dia. Tapi, saya ambil inisiatif untuk limit macam-macam benda.
No late night calls as usual. Saya tak bagi dia datang jumpa saya. Saya tak bagi dia buat apa-apa untuk saya. Saya buat macam tu supaya saya tak terus jatuh hati gila-gila kat dia. Walaupun saya yang letak peraturan macam tu? At last saya lah yang sangat sedih. Sebab sebenarnya saya happy sangat kalau dia boleh buat macam-macam semata-mata untuk gembirakan saya. Rasa sedih sangat bila saya rindu, tapi saya tak boleh bagitahu. Rasa derita sangat bila saya cintakan dia, tapi saya tak benarkan saya sebut macam tu pada dia. Tapi, saya yakin dia tahu. Cuma tak boleh. Dia dah ada yang teristimewa. Saya sangat tak boleh terima bila once dia cakap kalau boleh dia nak kahwin dua-dua. Hancur lumat hati saya. Dia pernah cakap. Kalau dia tak dapat bersama saya, dia takkan dapat lupakan saya sepanjang hidup dia.
Again. My heart broken into pieces. Saya jugak tertanya-tanya. Adakah dalam keadaan macam ni, pihak ke3 je yang akan rasa derita sehebat ni? Dia yang kita suka tu macam mana? Tak kisah langsung ke? Atau happy sebab tau ramai orang suka dia? Rasa nak tumbuk je muka dia. Sesenang hati je nak lead someone on. Rasa nak mengadu je kat gf dia. Tapi, apa saya dapat? Gaduh pun tak guna. Buat dia gaduh dengan gf dia pun tak guna jugak. Lagipun saya betul-betul sayang dia ;'( Saya tak nak dia sedih. Walaupun saya sendiri rasa sedih.
Saya pernah cuba tak contact dia langsung. Bila dia tanya kenapa? Saya cakap saya sedih nak mati kat dalam hati. Sebab saya tak boleh bersama dengan orang yang saya betul-betul sayang. Dia minta maaf. Dia cakap dia pun cuba untuk dekati saya. Tapi saya tak bagi pulak. Macam mana nak pupuk rasa cinta? Of course saya tak bagi. Sebab dia nak jumpa saya tanpa bagitau gf dia. Saya tak nak dia jadi seorang penipu sebab saya. Saya tahu dia rasa bersalah. Dia tak initiate any contact sekarang ni. Dah tak macam dulu. Saya lebih gembira macam tu. At least dia tak lukakan hati saya dengan terus bagitau yang dia sayang saya.
Slow-slow saya try stop contact dia sepenuhnya. Tapi, kadang-kadang saya cuma nak tau khabar dia. So, saya akan send text just wishing and hoping that he is fine. Even without me. :'( Saya pun tak faham kenapa. Padahal ada beberapa orang lelaki lagi yang cubarapat dengan saya. But none of them, boleh buat saya lupa dia yang dah ada gf tu. Saya tak boleh permainkan hati orang lain, di saat di dalam hati saya masih ada dia yang tak guna itu.
Malam ni pun. Saya still berjaga. Menunggu dengan desperate nya untuk mata dapat lelap. Sorry, panjang sangat cerita. Just sharing. Dan saya gembira bila saya tahu saya tak bersendirian. :) Betul. Dengan berdoa dan mengadu pada Allah je hati akan menjadi tenang. Tapi ia tetap akan ambil masa untuk pulih dan get used to it. Good luck for lucaspeebo and others! :)
Tuhan sebaik perancang..
Tuhan xkan uji diluar kemampuan seseorg..
Think positif..
ni laa jadinya bila kita syg hamba Allah lebih dari Allah sendiri(yg mencipta)..
ingt ape pun yg kamu buat kerana Allah..
syg pun kerana Allah..
insyaAllah kamu kuat..
salam dari saya..
I met him haha he was my boss.
Masa mula kenal dia sangat annoying sbb dia boss. Habis kerja we go melepak with other colligue pi makan. Borak borak we were so obsessed with this one drink, minat yang sama. So after I quit pun I always go out with him and pi makan because we just love the same thing. Haha. Someone told me dia ada gf. Hujung tahun ni depa kahwin. I macam ohh kurang ajar tak bgthu. Lepastu macam biasa, I still pi cari makan makan sedap with him lepak with him still telling each others stories talk about travelling chit chat even nak tidur pun still on chat.bi just broke up. Tak lah baru since last year. I don't really socialise but he's different. He treated me in the best possible ways. One day depa argue. Bout 3 months tak bercakap. I'm there. Honestly, I talk to him every night. Bawak pi lunch and talk bout future. About how to solve mean it I never wanted to Macau deoa I never planned to fall in love with him. He was just so different. And I had never feel this way after I break up with my ex. And thus is the first time I have the guts to love org lain. Haha. Then suddenly he changed. Once he treated me like a princess and suddenly total friend. Hahas. I'm friend zoned. Sakit. Sakit. But I dont have guts to tell him the truth after I left him hints. Haha friends and let's justvstay as friends. Doakan I kuat pi majlis depa hujung tahun ni ye.
I know dis one guy dia ade gf i tahu, tapi i rapat dgn dia mcm kwn lama lama i suka drkat dia. Sumpah dia baik sgt layan i mcm kawan baik. One day dia clash dgn awek dia. Tak lama lepas tu i confess. Masa i confess i dah kawan dgn dia almost 3 years. Dalam 3 year ni i yg selalu jafi doktor cinta dia, tempat dia mengadu. Lepas i confess dia terus layan i mcm i gf dia. Start calling me sayang semua. Tiba tiba dia get back dgn gf dia. Peh sakit dia tuhan je tahu. So i ignore dia, lama lepas tu i dah start boleh mobe on lah. Dia dtg cari i balik. Calling me sayang semua. Teka lah sebab apa. Dia dah clash. :')